Peeking in our window…

It is awfully difficult to write when we see the crazy new world we live in: the world of Covid 19.

In a sense I am looking at this with a new pair of glasses. In another sense, not so much. You see, my family spent a few years under high alert because of a medical situation. There was even a short time, a week and a bit, where I was worried if we could get medical help for my husband because of an ice storm when travelling even short distances was treacherous and during which time, we could not cross the bridge to the hospital where he had had his brain surgeries. If he were to have had a status seizure during that time, I’m not sure…

Now we all have a front seat to a possible medical emergency with this incredibly viral virus that knocks people off their seats.

I know how scary this uncertainty is. I know there is a level of anxiety felt, a sense of financial worry, a sense of the unknown.

We are now communaly in the situation that many with serious medical conditions live with each day.

They worry about getting out of the house. Will they be able to? Will they be judged?

They worry for their kids. How are they to support their children as the young ones are navigating their education as the adults navigate the unknown?

How to make sure all the family’s needs are met if we can’t do simple things like groceries?

Where will the money come from and when?

What to do?

What is the prognosis?

Who will come to my aid if I am sick? Will they be able to help? Will I see my family?

Will there be room at the hospital? Will they have the necessary tools or material? Can I have the therapies I would need? How about the parking?

These are scary thoughts. Right now, it seems to be felt by all or at least most.

For some, it is a known reality. These feelings are not new.I am so sorry you are joining our ranks, those who have lived with a chronique illness or a deadly condition and how it affects all the facets of one’s life . You are now peeking into our window…

My most ardent wish is that this deadly virus is quickly controled and that noone need live in fear. I wish that for all the other ailments that steal the sense of wellness; whether it is physical, mental, financial…

I know that is wishful thinking. It is a utopic view of the world.

Maybe this collective challenge will teach us compassion and empathy for those who live in this kind of uncertainty all the time. They, like all of you, did not look for it. In a lot of cases, it is just the cards they were dealt.

Will we remember this when this crisis has passed? Will we be better neighbours?

Sending a virtual hug from at least 6 feet (2 meters) to all who could use one.

Till next time, take control on what you can (because there are ususally things you can control). Wash your hands, practice social distancing, go out only when necessary and consider the wellbeing of others…